Recycle Glass

Since 1994 COANIQUEM has been carrying out its Glass Recycling campaign. Thanks to the campaign, it has been possible to finance the construction of “CASABIERTA”, an embracing residence where children from Chile and 10 Latin American countries stay during their rehabilitation period. Casabierta, COANIQUEM provides accommodation and food to each child and a family member who accompanies him/her, completely free of charge.

In addition, at CASABIERTA COANIQUEM they receive compensatory school education through the Hospital School, which is recognized by the Ministry of Education and offers school continuity during the entire treatment period, also free of charge.

Over the past 25 years, we have prevented more than 530 million glass containers, equivalent to 208,000 tons ( up to 2018) , from reaching landfills. On average, more than 10,000 tons of glass have been recycled annually over the last few years.

Contact us and recycle with us at

Why use and recycle glass?

Glass is the only material that is 100% recyclable, that is, it can be fully and endlessly reused. It is one of the most recycled materials in Chile.

By manufacturing containers with recycled glass, we reduce the use of raw materials, mainly sand, and avoid the use of land due to energy-saving extraction in the foundry process.

By placing the containers in our recycling containers, the amount of waste that goes to landfills is reduced, prolonging their life, protecting the environment and reducing costs for authorities. If you want to know more about the advantages of choosing glass CLICK HERE and visit the Choose Glass page of our Cristalchile alliance.

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