Hospital School

The Casabierta COANIQUEM School is an educational establishment with hospital facilities, certified by the Education Ministry since 2002.

Its main goal is to provide compensatory and restitutive education to children and adolescents treated in the COANIQUEM Rehabilitation Center in Santiago, together with their school of origin, in the pre-school, elementary and high school levels.

The educational model of the Casabierta COANIQUEM School gathers in its guidelines the general principles of the educational attention given by the hospital pedagogy and that are reflected in The Declaration of the Children’s Rights: personalized, integral, flexible and compensatory.

Sergio Vázquez
Director Colegio.

Antonia Araya
Profesora Colegio H.

Beatriz Arias
Profesora Colegio H.

Carolina Liberona
Profesora Colegio H.

Maritza San Martín
Profesora Colegio H.

Norma Figueroa
Profesora Colegio H.

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