Who we are
The corporation of Aid to the Burned Child, COANIQUEM, is a private non-profit institution, whose main goals are to rehabilitate integrally and free of charge the child and adolescent with burns and other scars.
Also, to prevent, train and research regarding this pathology, acting together with the users’ families, our supporters, suppliers’ network and the society.
Rehabilitate integrally the child and adolescent with burns, prevention ,training and research concerning this pathology, working together with their families, our supporters, the network of supporters and society. Our commitment is to offer, at no cost, an excellent treatment with the aim of improving the quality of life and the future of our patients.
2. Vision
To be a national and international leader in prevention and integral rehabilitation for children and adolescents with burns, trying to give a positive sense to human suffering and improving their life and future expectations.
3. History

2000 Law 19.680 was enacted, which prohibits the private use of fireworks and regulates fireworks shows.
2003 COANIQUEM’s international program receives patients from 10 countries in the region and trains professionals from 20 countries.
2003 The second COANIQUEM Rehabilitation Center is officially opened in Antofagasta with an area of 1,100 mts2. The first patient care provided in Antofagasta dates back to 1991.
2005 The COANIQUEM Technological Advances and Technological Vertebral Advances Foundation Ltda. is created, to promote scientific research.
2006 The third COANIQUEM Rehabilitation Center is officially opened in the city of Puerto Montt.
2007 The CASABIERTA COANIQUEM Educational Foundation is created, as well as the administrator of the Residence and the supporter of the Hospital School.
2011 In Chile, 80,000 children are burned every year, half of those who were burned 20 years ago according to a study by COANIQUEM.
2018 COANIQUEM every year treats more than 8,000 children from all over Chile and America completely free of charge.
2019 COANIQUEM celebrates its 40 years with more than 550 supporters and regional partners, 100 directors and honorary members, 20,000 volunteers and partnerships from the public, private and third sector. To date, more than 135,000 children and young people with burns from all over Chile and Latin America have been assisted.

4. Executive Board

Executive Chairman: Dr. Jorge Rojas Zegers
Corporate Attorney: Mr. Sergio Domínguez Lira 
General Manager: Mr. Rodrigo Tagle Fernández
COANIQUEM Foundation Manager: Jorge Rojas Goldsack
Medical Management Director: Dr. Rolando Saavedra Opazo
Manager of the CASABIERTA COANIQUEM Educational Foundation: Mrs. María Teresa Poch Honorato
Director of the Rehabilitation Center of Santiago: Dr. Rolando Saavedra Opazo
Director of the Antofagasta Rehabilitation Center: Dr. Valentina Chubretovic ya no
Director Puerto Montt Rehabilitation Center: EU Jessica Faúndez
Administration and Finance Manager: Mr. Eduardo Poblete Costa

5.Declaration of Principles
The Corporation of Aid to the Burned Child COANIQUEM and the COANIQUEM Foundation, created on April 19, 1979 and December 12, 1991 respectively, will be governed by the following principles:

( downloadable PDF file )



We believe that each human being is unique, endowed with a bodily and spiritual nature, of enormous dignity, important for being created in God’s image, destined to live in communion with their fellow men, without distinctions of nationality, race, ideology, creed or socioeconomic conditions.
We believe that the family founded on marriage – a stable union of love between a man and a woman – is the fundamental element of society, a place where each human being is formed and carries out the essential rights and obligations that guarantee the full development of its members.
We believe that the right to life of every human being must be protected and respected from the first moment of conception until its natural end and that all other obligations and rights are based on the right to exist.
We believe in the supremacy of the person over things and therefore, of the being over having; of ethics over technique and of the spirit over matter.
We believe that every person has been called to live in harmony with his Creator, with his fellow human beings, with himself and with nature, and is gifted with intelligence, will and freedom, which should be practiced responsibly enjoying to do good and rejecting evil; encouraging knowledge of truth and the development of all his potentials.
We believe that every society has a solidary and supportive responsibility towards those who suffer most from physical or spiritual needs and those who are most deprived, seeking in particular with burned children and their families, an effective solace, a true relief in their sufferings and spreading joy and hope.
We believe that it is our duty to promote these principles in our society and we invite all people of good will to join us in our action for the good of burned children and their families and to try to heal other situations of suffering that may arise in their own environment.

From the General Principles stated above the following specific principles and attitudes will evolve:



The burned child and his family support the reason for the existence of COANIQUEM, which is committed to take in his physical and spiritual suffering, to give him effective relief and to promote a greater public awareness of the importance of this problem.
The relationship between COANIQUEM and the patient and his family is based on the obligation and the right to health care and promotion, education and support of its members.
The patient has the right and the obligation to be cared for by himself/herself and his/her own family, as far as his/her age and health condition allow, so our care model is to incorporate the family and aim at self-care.
The patient and his/her family have the right to be timely and adequately informed and to be consulted regarding diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.

Each patient must be treated according to the same standard of medical quality, regardless of his or her socio-economical situation.
Quality of care must include its efficiency and effectiveness.
The integral and outstanding quality of our health care is based on a permanent attitude of responsibility, creativity and hard work and must stand out from other health care providers.
We must always take into consideration the opinion of our patients and their families, in order to achieve customized and excellent attention.
COANIQUEM’s main responsibility is to provide integral health care for burned children that is a model of interdisciplinary, technological and therapeutic relationship and that serves as a base for the development of scientific and technological research in the area.
We will try to have the most adequate diversity of health services for the purposes of COANIQUEM.
The patient’s health care should be carried out by multiprofessional teams, directed by doctors and with the collaboration of professionals, technicians, administrators and assistants.


Our care model and the constant improvement of our staff should lead to greater scientific and technological knowledge that we must share.
We must ensure that a welcoming attitude towards the suffering of burned children encourages specific ways of solidarity towards them in the community.

Every member, supporter and collaborator of COANIQUEM participates in an eminent way in the complete rehabilitation of the burned children through economic support and other forms of service within this worthy cause, and will therefore be highly appreciated. Likewise, COANIQUEM will watch over the best administration of the resources received, for the benefit of the burned children.
It is the priority responsibility of COANIQUEM to maintain a permanent surveillance of the risk factors of burn accidents and to educate the community on the best way to prevent them.
COANIQUEM must stimulate all forms of inter-institutional collaboration for the good of burned children.


All staff must respond to the suffering of the patient and family member by observing a friendly, respectful and welcoming treatment. This attitude should be modeled by the members who have the most seniority and institutional hierarchy.Our staff must have the moral and technical skills necessary to carry out the duties of their fields of expertise.
Our staff must have the moral and technical skills necessary to carry out the duties of their fields of expertise.
The staff must be aware of their rights and obligations. They shall pursue them by respecting the interpersonal relationships.
Our staff will have similar progression opportunities based on their merits.
We try to maintain the maximum fairness and justice in the payments of the personnel, within the financial possibilities of COANIQUEM.

The staff can belong to social, professional, labor and union organizations, without prejudice to their work duties; the authorities of COANIQUEM will try to establish a fluid and warm communication with their leaders.
According to COANIQUEM’s possibilities, the working conditions should be the most adequate, giving security and comfort to both users and staff.
Our personnel must take care of the material and financial resources made available to them. The fulfillment of COANIQUEM’s goals depends on its good administration.
The authorities of COANIQUEM must encourage with respect and harmony our principles that rule the reciprocal relations with the patients and their families.

When we all act according to these principles, we assure our users the best attention we can give them.

6. Healthcare Ethics Committee
President: Dolores Santander
Secretary: Francisco Alcalde
Karen Perez
Carmina Domic
Maria de los Angeles Rojas
Paz Correa
Sergio Vásquez
7. Comité de Ética Científica
Quienes somos:
El Comité de Ética Científica, en adelante e indistintamente CEC, es un organismo funcionalmente autónomo e independiente de la Corporación de Ayuda al Niño Quemado, cuya función principal es ser garante de la ética de las actividades de investigación científica que se desarrollan en las entidades pertenecientes a COANIQUEM y en aquellas externas que se lo soliciten expresamente.
El CEC tendrá como misión proteger la dignidad, derechos, seguridad y bienestar de los seres humanos, que son sujetos en una investigación biomédica, dirigida y/o desarrollada en dependencias de COANIQUEM o entidades externas, que soliciten servicios del CEC. Lo anterior, conforme a la legislación nacional e internacional ratificada por Chile, así como los códigos nacionales e internacionales aplicables en la materia y particularmente la Declaración de Principios de COANIQUEM y el Reglamento interno del presente Comité.
Rodrigo Alonso López Barreda
Médico cirujano PUC
Doctor en Ética Biomédica y Derecho U. de Zúrich
Marcela Paola Vergara Bustamante
Enfermera matrona PUC
María Catalina Domínguez Rojas
Abogada Universidad de Los Andes
Miembro regular
Mónica Berg Aldoney
Pedagogía en Enseñanza Media UAI
Miembro regular
María Angélica Campos Urzúa
Ingeniero agrónomo PUC
Miembro regular
Valeska Alejandra Crisóstomo Alfaro
Enfermera matrona PUC
Miembro regular
Soledad Mateluna Paéz
Traductora, Instituto de Traducción
Administradora Casabierta COANIQUEM


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