
Surgical grafting is an essential part of the initial treatment of deep burns to achieve early wound coverage. At the same time, reconstructive plastic surgery is the alternative to treat the sequels when the medical rehabilitation treatment has completed its effects and the residual scars affect the function of some part of the body as a consequence of the child’s growth. 

Once the child’s growth is complete, in his or her adolescence, it is finally necessary to improve the residual aesthetic problems. A special type of surgical intervention in these patients consists of the installation of skin expanders that are devices that allow the skin next to a scar to grow so that, in a second operation, the wound that is formed as a result of drying out the area with fibrosis can be covered.

Dr. Ricardo Ayala M.
Jefe Cirugía

Dra. Karol Gac E.
Médico Cirujano

Dra. María Beatriz Quezada K.
Médico Cirujano

Dra. Marcela Gonzalez M.
Médico Cirujano

Dra. Yeribel Briceño G.
Médico Cirujano

Silvia Chicago G.
Médico Anestesista

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