Occupational Therapy

It is a workshop where occupational therapists design, make and control orthoses used to maintain non-deforming positions and to treat skin, muscle and joint disorders. Rigid and semi-rigid elements are also used to compress and model hypertrophic scars in special areas, particularly the face, neck, hands and feet. In addition, an exercise room is provided to prevent and treat functional alterations through the encouragement of play, handicrafts and art therapy.

Its professionals also evaluate and train the children who have been left with physical limitations for their independence in daily life activities, and help with school and work insertion or reinsertion, teaching them to use their remaining functional abilities.

Paz Correa C.
Jefa Terapia Ocupacional

Natalia Muñoz H.
Terapeuta Ocupacional

Ignacia Zapata M.
Terapeuta Ocupacional

Carolina Cubillos C.
Terapeuta Ocupacional

Macarena Muñoz G.
Terapeuta Ocupacional

Jacqueline Vásquez
Asistente Ocupacional

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