Music Therapy

As part of a multidisciplinary team, Music Therapy uses musical elements as a therapeutic base, supporting the pediatric patient, adolescent and their family in the different stages of their rehabilitation. From a bio-psycho-social approach, music therapy promotes the expression of emotions, facilitates movement and supports the patient during painful and invasive procedures, as well as stimulating the patient in the educational setting.

Through music and other creative musical activities, the patient achieves the necessary motivation to face their rehabilitation in a positive way, to adhere better to the treatment and to have a space of free expression, both physical and emotional. There are also activities for parents that encourage mother-child bonding, and offer a space for self-care in a group work.

Mireya Gonzalez L.
Coord. Musicoterapia

Dialy Jara C.

Ximena Jimenez A.

Rodrigo Hernández

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